Understanding your target market

When it comes to creating copy that resonates, it is integral that you first understand WHAT makes you unique. Your uniqueness is your point of differentiation; your competitive advantage and what keeps clients coming back for more.

Next, think about who you’re talking to. This is where customer profiles come in handy – the more descriptive and thorough these profiles are, the better! Give your customer a name, a personality, a purchasing behaviour. You might be talking to Susan – a 60 year old empty nester with a passion for environmentally friendly products and buying locally. By creating a customer profile, you will start thinking critically about your choice of words and the voice you will activate in your writing.   

Once you understand your customer, ask yourself this – HOW are you solving their problem. Understanding their pain point will allow you to align your offering and ideally solve a problem they are experiencing.

Once you have fleshed this out, you need to think about WHY they should buy from you and not someone else. What makes your business unique? This again touches on your competitive advantage, and it is important you understand your competitors offering.  

By undertaking this process BEFORE you write, your copy is more likely to engage and call your audience to act. Win-win.


Let’s talk brand personality


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